What do you need to become an assistant ?
- some knowledge of birds,
- willingness to get up early,
- to be prepared to assist on a regular basis one or two days a week, during summer and autumn,
- to be prepared to do all kinds of side work needed to keep the bird ringing station running, e.g. entering data in the computer, repairing nets, mowing, cutting trees etc.
Besides the skills mentioned above, every member of the team donates a yearly contribution of 50 Euro's. We need this to buy nets and rings.
Become a Donator ?
What you can expect from the birdringingstation ?
- a thorough education in catching and ringing birds by experienced ringers.,
- training in determination of (sub)species, sex, age, moult, condition etc.
- an annual report of the catches and other activities done by the bird ringing station.
If you are interested, you can contact Marcel Schalkwijk (jwmschalkwijk@gmail.com)
Besides being an active assistant, you can also become a donator of our ringingstation. For only (minimal) 15 euro's a year you can visit the station sometimes and you'll get an annual report.
Organisation can be donator to. Their logo will be published on this website.
Interested? Contact the treasurer of the birdringingstation:
Marcel Schalkwijk (jwmschalkwijk@gmail.com)